I know the ongoing Russian war in Ukraine is on everyone’s mind. While we are not directly affected by the war, we are deeply concerned about the impact on the Ukrainian people, their homes, businesses, and culture. This is a global concern 

Russia’s use of cyber-warfare has become an area of increased attention and discussion – especially for companies in the tech industry. While we have no reported issues, I thought it was important to let you know how Riva is working to mitigate the evolving risk related to Cybersecurity.

Riva continually monitors its data operations platform to ensure it remains secure and that it continues to deliver critical business services to our customers. Our North America-based teams take a security-first approach when designing, developing, and testing our platform.   

We remain in close contact with our Munich-based European sales and marketing team and will continue to monitor if / how our clients in Europe are impacted as events continue to unfold.   

We continually evaluate attack vectors that may impact our supply chain and customers – ensuring we can be proactive in communicating potential vulnerabilities as we address any issues that may arise.  

As a secure pass-through architecture, the Riva Relationship Engine does not store sensitive customer data. And, as a company that has achieved SOC2 attestation three years in a row, we demonstrate our commitment to ensuring continuous risk mitigation across our global organization. 

So, whether it is our own technology stack and intellectual property or part of our supply chain of trusted third-party partners (cloud-based and other), I want you to know that you can rely on Riva to meet your defense-in-depth security requirements.  

As a member of the Canadian Council of Innovators (CCI), Riva is working with the newly announced Canada-Ukraine Emergency Travel Authorization to promote opportunities for Ukrainians to resettle outside Ukraine and benefit from our region’s quality of life and the economic security that comes with our many open tech-related positions. 

I close by saying that one of our core values is to build the future. In these few small ways, we hope to contribute to one where all can thrive and live in peace. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and all those they love during these uncertain times. 

With concern and gratitude,  

Aldo Zanoni,

CEO, Riva International, Inc. 

Join Riva at Dreamforce 2024 in San Francisco, September 17-19
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