Getting Started


What is Riva Insight?


How does Riva Insight provide value for customers?


Why did you create an Outlook and Notes plug-in?


When will Riva Insight be available?


What is the average size of a Riva Insight customer?


What types of companies use Riva Insight?

How Riva Insight Works


Does Riva Insight sync like Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premises?


What does Riva Insight sync?


Does Riva Insight extend to third-party data enrichment providers?


Do users have the ability to track appointments or emails and relate them to specific contacts, opportunities, and accounts?


How will Riva Insight integrate with Microsoft Office 365?


How is Riva Insight different from traditional plug-ins?


Is Riva Insight compatible with all versions of Notes?

Supported Systems


What CRM systems do you support?


What email applications do you support?


Do you support Apple Mail (macOS)?


Does Riva Insight support Terminal Services?

Security and IT


Does the Riva Insight side panel obey all CRM security settings, including field-level security roles?



How much does Riva Insight cost?


Are there third-party enrichment services included in the Riva Insight side panel, or are these services a separate subscription?

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