One of the core values at Riva is to “Build the Future.” We are committed to ensuring that our solutions stay on top of the latest technology trends so you are guaranteed the best and future-proof product experience.

As such, we have some important notices with the 2022.4 release to help you prepare for the potential impact of using Riva Insight.

Rest API Support Ending for Outlook Web Add-Ins

For Outlook add-in versions deployed before the 2022.3 release, Riva Insight uses the REST API for the Outlook Mobile app for Android and iOS.

What will happen?

If you are on Insight Cloud: Riva Insight on mobile will use Graph by default, starting with the Insight Server version 2022.4.

If you are on Insight On-Premise and using a version of Insight Server older than 2022.3, please upgrade to 2022.4 or a later version.

For those using the 2022.3 version of Insight Server, we encourage you to refer to Track in CRM on Mobile for Riva Insight Web Add-in and take the necessary steps.

Riva Insight Ending Support for Internet Explorer

Microsoft announced its plans for the end-of-life of Internet Explorer (IE) 11 and officially ended support on 15 June 2022.

What are the impacts?

  • Riva Insight releases in 2023 will no longer support Internet Explorer.
  • Any issues related to Internet Explorer 11 will not be resolved.

To find out if your organization will be affected, please refer to The Internet Explorer Era Has Finally Come to an End come to an end to first determine if your client is using Internet Explorer as the embedded browser. If so, follow the required steps to update to a client that uses Microsoft Edge Chromium (WebView2) as the built-in browser.

Not sure if these changes will impact you? Please reach out to our Success Team to discuss this further!