Riva Insight
New! Delegate Support with Riva Insight
Empower your executive assistants to manage and track meetings on your behalf to CRM. Based on the permissions and delegate access provided to your executive assistant, they can use Insight to track a meeting that’s on your calendar as you. This allows advisors to delegate admin tasks and focus on prospecting and lead generation. Available on Outlook Web Add-in.
New! Insert booking availability using Riva Insight
The newest offering, Riva Bookings reduces the booking friction. With Riva Insight integration, users can insert their availability links directly in the email for their recipient customers to easily book a time with them. Riva recommends smart suggested meeting time based on users and stakeholder’s availability. With predefined meeting recommendations, recipient customers can book an appointment with reduced steps. To know more, click here for Knowledge Base article.

Along with that, we made improvements and addressed imperative bugs. Read more about it here.
The Riva Insight functionalities are available with Riva for Revenue Operations and Riva for Data Compliance bundles.
Supported System: CRMs– Salesforce & Dynamics, Email – Exchange and available with bundles
Important Notices
- Using Shared Calendar Improvement with Microsoft 365 mailbox is causing conflict with tracking meeting.
- REST API support ending for Outlook Web Add-ins
- Riva Insight is ending support for Internet Explorer
Have a question? Contact us. Click here to read the full release notes.
Riva Cloud
We have heard your feedback and worked to bring our users an improved metrics experience. This new dashboard provides interactive widgets for more user interaction and includes new functionalities,
- Ability to export the dashboard in different file formats
- Filter based on time frames, and
- Filter based on modules tied to your policy

This dashboard in Riva Cloud is automatically available with 2022.5 release and across all bundles – Riva for Activity Analytics, Riva for Revenue Operations, and Riva for Data Compliance.
Supported System: All CRMs, All Email and available with bundles
Have a question? Contact us. Click here to read the full release notes.
Riva Sync
Riva has been closely following the progress of Microsoft Graph and have added support for additional functionality this release.
In this release, we have added the following Graph support –
- In Address book
- Bidirectional Lead Sync
- Organic Contact Filtering, and
- De-duplication for Contact and Leads.
- Opportunity Assign To
- Certificate based OAuth client credential flow
- Student Success Hub integration with Graph
Along with that, we are adding features to the latest bundle solution to unify your revenue and communication stack to form a trusted view.
Manage private appointments better!
With Activity Analytics solution, private appointments are skipped from syncing to CRM. This ensures only relevant interactions are logged in CRM, allowing you to build holistic activity reports.
However, in day-to-day activities, a user may not mark their appointments as private right away and with this release, Riva ensures that appointments that get tagged as private after being synced to CRM are managed accordingly. These synced appointments are updated as Private Appointment in CRM and are skipped in the next cycles. This ensures that the appointment information in CRM is wiped out and no further information from mailbox is added to CRM. For report building activities, private appointments can be filtered out.
Available with Riva for Activity Analytics bundle. Supported System: CRMs– Salesforce, Email – Exchange
Secure meeting data with private contacts!
There is a lot of behind-the-scenes automation of data flows with advanced curation features for Revenue Operations bundle. With a focus on accurate availability along with relevant interaction, Revenue Ops now has the added ability to privatize meetings with non-CRM contacts. This ensures that the user’s availability is accurate in CRM to avoid double booking without polluting the CRM data. Meetings with non-CRM contacts will be treated as private meetings in CRM with no information stored.
Available with Riva for Activity Analytics bundle. Supported System: CRMs– Salesforce, Email – Exchange
For Riva for Activity Analytics, Revenue Operations, and Data Compliance, create intentional contacts using categories!
With the latest bundle offerings from Riva, the automatic contact creation from emails and appointments is disabled which ensures data hygiene as only relevant interactions get synced to CRM for matching contacts. However, to support intentional contact creation in CRM, users now add a category to calendar items which will create the corresponding contact in CRM.
Available across all bundles – Riva for Activity Analytics, Riva for Revenue Operations, and Riva for Data Compliance. Supported System: CRMs– Salesforce, Email – Exchange
Have a question? Contact us. Click here to read the full release notes.